LeSam Technology Solutions Internet & Custom Software Solutions for Small Businesses

Customer Support

Frequently Asked Questions
  • How much does it cost?
    Less than you think. Custom projects are thought to be notoriously expensive. We strive to make the technology affordable for all.
    We limit our costs to be able to pass any savings we make on to our customers. Project costs are based on the specific activities and with our convenient payment plans, the technology is affordable.
  • What is a domain name?
    A domain name is the friendly address of a website. For example, our domain name is lesamtechsolutions.com. Domain names are sold on a first-come-first-serve basis for set periods of one, two, five or ten years. Each domain name is sold for a set period. After that time, if there is no automatic renewal option, the domain name becomes available for purchase again by the general public.
  • What is domain hosting?
    Once you have a domain name, you will require means for people to access your website. This is done by placing your information on an "always-on" server system. The server sits out on the Internet and fulfills the requests for views of your website. Domain hosting can be purchased from an Internet Provider on a month-to-month or annual basis.
  • What do I have to do to use your services?
    Send us a quick message using our contact form and we'll be in touch to arrange for a free  one hour consultation.
  • Do payments have to be made in US dollars?
    No. Both Jamaican and US dollars are welcome here.
  • What kind of payments are accepted?
    We accept money orders, cash and cheques. If you have a specific need, feel free to contact us . We will do our best to assist.
  • Can special payment arrangements be made?
    Yes! We try to accommodate all our customers to make the entire process as convenient as possible. Most projects do have a starting charge but customised payment plans are definitely possible.
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